Monday, 8 February 2016

How to make a good AQW server?

Do you want a good server? Follow all these steps and you'll find a way to make one of the best AQW servers out there! The question is simple but the answers are harder to fultill. In order to make a good AQW private server you need to ask yourself "What is a good private server?" I've been asking myself this question many times but every time a new mext emulator comes out, the servers require more and more key aspects to look different from the other.

The key aspect of every server should be players having fun playing it, you need a fanbase which will always support you no matter what and by entertaining your players you'll receive their support. I've made my name in few servers (for example Hidden Project) and I still got many supporters from other projects I've been working on in the past, which makes me really happy, that I have people that actually enjoy my releases, mixes etc.

Another thing you should keep in mind is originality. There are many servers that leech one from another, but they aren't as good as servers that release original content. Even through your original content might not look as good as other server's content - remember that you can always improve by trying make every other release, map, item, etc. look better than the one before.

The next part is a good team you can work with. Not just people that beg you to join the team, you need people that can do actual things and take another part of the game you're developing. The team should contain some coders (html, java, as3) and some flash designers. If you got this done you can start working on your own server.

Virtual Private Server also known as the VPS. It's a must have thing, because a server couldn't run without it. Never take another person to the team just because they have a VPS! You've done a big mistake If you done so. Also remember to never use your computer to host a server, AQWPS files are dangerous and have many viruses and shells in them leaving your computer vulnerable to attacks from hackers. A VPS can be bought throught a verified PayPal account or a credit card. If you don't have neither of these you can buy a debit card, which is a credit card that doesn't need a bank account to proceed payments with and it can be charged with money like your phone sim card.

If you already got all steps done, the final step is to keep releasing content. Never stop that, If you don't want to lose your player base. Try to do them more often (once or twice per week). Do not make any unexpected releases - always announce them on your facebook or news page. It will give players a reason to check your other sites and that brings more players. Everyone likes things organized, mostly your players want to know when you're releasing something so they can find free time in their day to check it out.

Try to release big events, not just boss fights every week. Everyone gets bored, If they just keep defeating monsters with a 1 hit OP class you released. A good example is the Dage/Nulgath's releases. The items require some time to get and that keeps players hyped when they farm them. That reminded me another step - keep your items balanced.
Do not release too many items that are easy to get or too many items that are hard to get. It removes the fun and competition from receiving them. Never give free stuff without purpouse, take AQW as an example, they give out free stuff for something, for example If you like their facebook page or free AdventureCoins every year. They keep it balanced so everyone enjoys it.

I hope you guys liked this article, I'll try to do more of these, If you'd like me to. I just wanted to show some people that were interested in making a server but had no clue about the steps. This post isn't about how to download some files and install them but about how to keep the server going. I hope this helped at least few of you guys. Be sure to comment your opinions in the comments I'd like to hear them.

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